Understanding what baptism is
The decision for baptism is a decision about joining the Christian community. Today when people are baptised they are declaring their intention to grow as a member of the Church. You cannot be a baptised Christian and not belong to a Church.
The Christian community is not simply another club. There are lots of associations that provide a social life and support. The church is a community which believes that life should be centred on God as revealed in the life of Jesus. It is a community committed to praying for those who are its members and those who are not. Christianity is a religion that demands that our faith be put into action to create a better world. Not only should we love others as individuals, but we should work together to change society so that it is a better place in which to live. Christians have a desire to change the world and make it more like the one they believe God intended. You are welcome to join us.
For all Enquiries
During the vacancy, please telephone the Parish Office (020 7228 9648) or email [email protected] for more details. Alternatively, speak to the priest conducting the service you attend on a Sunday who will point you in the right direction.