First Communion & Confirmation

Important Milestones
on the Journey of Faith

First Communion

At St Mary’s we admit children to the sacrament of Holy Communion from the age of seven. We tend to run a course once a year, with admission taking place at one of the major Christian festivals. If you or your child would like to discuss admission to Holy Communion, please contact the Vicar.



Because we admit children to Holy Communion, we tend to encourage children to wait until well into their teenage years before exploring Confirmation. At the same time, we often find there are adults who join St Mary’s who want to take an adult step of Christian allegiance and commitment, often following an Alpha Course. We tend to run a Confirmation Course annually, depending on the take up. Please contact the Vicar.

Contact Us

The best thing to do when thinking about first communion or confirmation is to talk to one of the clergy or a wise Christian person in the congregation. During the vacancy, if you want to enquire about First Communion, please contact the Parish Office:

[email protected]