Our Menu of Services

Worship Through the Week

Our pattern of services varies, although the Sunday times remain constant:
8.30am, 11am and 6pm

We also have a monthly child-centred service, Family@Church, which takes place at 9.30am on the First Sunday of the Month.

You will find that there are always new people and visitors on a Sunday, so you need not worry about feeling out of place: we are very used to welcoming people easily and without stress.


Holy Communion (Traditional Language) at 8.30am
This service is a quiet celebration of Holy Communion with a sermon following the order in the Book of Common Prayer of 1662. The language may be old, but many find the traditional words a springboard to prayer. The service lasts about 40 minutes, and there are a friendly bunch of about 20-25 people, some of whom adjourn for coffee in Battersea Square afterwards, and love to welcome new people to their number.

Family@Church at 9.30am (First Sunday of the Month Only)

We started this service in 2020 to offer a chance for families with younger children to gather and worship in a more interactive way – where children can be completely themselves – and in a shorter, more informal setting. Contact: [email protected] to find out more – we welcome the involvement of everyone in this creative service!

Parish Eucharist (Modern Language) with St Mary’s Choir at 11am
This is our main service on a Sunday, and attracts up to 100 adults and 30 children. We use the Common Worship order of service and during our worship we have Godly Play for children. The choir usually sing at least one anthem and there is a good, relevant sermon. We regularly welcome families bringing children to baptism to this service. The service lasts about 70-75 minutes (a little bit longer when there is a baptism) and there is tea, coffee and a very friendly buzz at the back of the church or outside afterwards.

Choral Evensong at 6pm (2nd & 4th Sundays of each month)
St Mary’s Choir sings Choral Evensong on the second and fourth Sundays of each month (check the diary to confirm). On these occasions, Choral Evensong includes sung psalms, canticles and an anthem. We often find that this service attracts people who want a quiet hour before beginning the working week or who have returned from a weekend away.

Other Special Sunday Services
There are also other occasional Sunday evening services. Check the notices or weekly newsletter to find out when these are taking place.


During The Week

Please note that, with effect from Monday 27th November 2023, the parish enters a period of vacancy and there will only be occasional services during the week. The pattern below will be suspended. For more information, subscribe to the newsletter.

Until Thursday 23rd November 2023 the pattern of weekday worship is as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
There is a service every weekday morning, for about 30 minutes. On Monday and Tuesdays at 9am this service is Morning Prayer and it takes place in Church on a Monday and on Zoom on a Tuesday offered via Facebook Live. The form on a Wednesday is called Lectio Divina, a form of prayerful bible study and this takes place on Zoom at 9am. If you would like to join us on Zoom please contact the [email protected] or the [email protected] for login details

Thursday Lunchtime Holy Communion
There is a simple service of Holy Communion in Church on Thursdays at 12.30pm, lasting for half an hour, and is ideal for those on their lunch break or who prefer a quieter service than typical on a Sunday.

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If you want to know more about St Mary's, contact the clergy or for another enquiry, please use the Contact Us facility below.

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