St Mary’s congregation – and those who feel like they belong to the church – are currently being asked to review their financial support for the church. Churches, like many…
St Mary’s congregation – and those who feel like they belong to the church – are currently being asked to review their financial support for the church.
Churches, like many other organisations, have faced challenges in post-Covid recovery alongside the pressures of the current economic climate. At the same time, particularly in London, a number of people have taken the opportunities they have discovered as a result of the pandemic to relocate away from Central London. At St Mary’s, this has resulted in a number of longer term, and more generous givers, moving to pastures new.
As a result of these changes, and because Christian churches rely in the main on the giving of their congregations to fund their work, the Church Council has begun a programme of stewardship renewal, which it trusts under God will result in a shared response of generosity and growth. Speaking about in in a sermon on Sunday, Canon Simon Butler said, I simply ask you to think about one question: what place in your discipleship, in walk with God, does this community and church play? Or, to put it another way, what do you love and value about St Mary’s? And then, do the calculation about how to respond. On the one hand consider the response as one of generosity and commitment, consider the responsibility you have for the wealth you have been given, and the call to give a proportion of it away in thankfulness. And on the other hand, consider your responsibilities to others, the financial realities that you face, and what wise provision for the future looks like, and work out, as it were the profit and loss. And do that in prayer.
St Mary’s welcomes giving from all who love the church, its worship life and its community-faced ministry. If you would like to find out more about the Giving for Growth programme, please click the link below. Stewardship pledges can be returned to the church either electronically to the Parish Office, or by posting your pledge form into the letter box at the top of the stairs as you come into the worship space.
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