Belonging to St Mary’s It’s wonderful to see people returning to church after the Covid disruptions or beginning to worship with us for the first time. In a fluid and…
Belonging to St Mary’s
It’s wonderful to see people returning to church after the Covid disruptions or beginning to worship with us for the first time. In a fluid and fast-changing congregation, at a time when everyone is living with uncertainty and anxiety, it’s important for those who lead St Mary’s to know who feels a sense of belong enough to call St Mary’s their spiritual home (or at least one of them!). This enables the clergy to pray for you regularly, to know that they should think about your care, pastoral and spiritual as part of their calling as priests, and to invite you to show your commitment to the church in the offering of your time, talents and treasure.
If this is the case for you, if you’ve joined the church recently, or just feel it’s an important place for you to own a sense of belonging, may we ask you to ask for you to have your name entered on St Mary’s Church Electoral Roll (our membership list, confusingly named like the civil electoral register). Please either download an Electoral Roll Form and email it to [email protected] , or collect one from church and put it in the post box at the top of the steps next to the servery. Being on our Electoral Roll is the best way of showing you belong to our church family; it also enables the church to communicate as effectively as possible with you, in a very fluid community, and even when you are not able to be here. It also gives you the right to serve on the Church Council and vote. Forms available at the back of the church.
Please return the form by the end of March.
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