If you’ve joined St Mary’s in the past eighteen months or so, we invite you to sign up to our Electoral Roll, which is a list of those who call…
If you’ve joined St Mary’s in the past eighteen months or so, we invite you to sign up to our Electoral Roll, which is a list of those who call St Mary’s their spiritual home. Being on the Electoral Roll also enables you to stand for election to the Church Council and to Deanery, Diocesan and General Synods.
If you would like to be added, and you are not already on the Electoral Roll please download an Electoral Roll Form and email it to the Parish Office by Easter.
We also invite anyone whose personal details have changed in recent times to complete a new form with the updated details on it.
Please note: you can be on more than one Electoral Roll (for example, if you have a second home) and you can be on an Electoral Roll and still remain a member of another Christian denomination (e.g. Roman Catholic or Methodist).
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